Monday, April 8, 2013

Revolutionary Ideas, Product of Madness

Since my first post in this blog talking about how piggy I sound, I've been thinking what pig-talking should I post next. Then there comes my madness. For no particular reason, I picked up my lecture notes I used during my review classes in preparation for my past electrical engineering licensure examination. Without any intention, I flipped it to a page where formulas for electric motors, generators, transformers, etc. is hovering all over that page. And I was reminded of a mad super genius named Nikola Tesla.

And here's how my second post piggy goes...

Surprisingly, only few people these days are familiar with the life story of one of humankind's most freaky, intellectually-exceptional and scientifically-insane.

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is widely known as a mad scientist, inventor, tech-geek, and most particularly an engineer. His works significantly impacted human history, even to the very time of this modern days. He is best known for his unparalleled contributions in the design of modern alternating current (AC) power supply system.

Most of his works are fundamentally merged into the study of electrical engineering. In fact, the SI unit for magnetic field, Tesla (T), was defined in honor of him. He is considered as one of the pioneers who built the foundation of electro-mechanical engineering.

This freaky engineer almost single-handedly developed technology that harnessed the power of electricity for household and commercial use, and invented things like electric generators and motors, FM radio, remote control, robots, spark plugs, fluorescent light bulbs, and giant machines that shoot enormously, the widely known Tesla Coil which emits brain-frying lightning bolts all over the place like crazy.
Nikola Tesla in his lab.

His crazy ideas are of great concern in modern scientific research as they appear to be science fictions for some skeptics. In addition, his what seems to be magical works were even depicted in some international sci-fi and mystery films such as The Prestige and Sorcerer's Apprentice and many more.

He had unyielding memory that stores vast amount of informations. More than you could ever imagine! Believe it or not this mad guy did advanced calculus and higher mathematical operations in his grossly unconventional head. He is even capable of memorizing every single part of a sophisticated machine. In his early days, he solved complex mathematical problems in his head without pencil and paper. His instructor suspected him of cheating, but young Tesla had actually memorized the whole logarithmic table! He was never into writing notes proving that he was able to retain all his stuff in his mind.

The idea of Tesla's death ray machine. His idea was to
constantly blast particles charged in a million of volts
of electricity in the air which could destroy enemies'
fleets and aircrafts and even a large military base
on the face of the earth.
But tragically, in later years, his brilliance, responsible for over 700 of patents- was overshadowed by what some considered MADNESS. Others considered him as a mad scientist, extremely dangerous and a potential threat to their national security. Yes, national security was threatened by him due to his works on earthquake machines, death rays, armory which can be controlled remotely.

On the other side, we can't be quite certain how the modern world would look like without his obsession for technology. Imagine a world without lighting equipment, X-ray machines, radio and wireless communications- which is fundamentally the backbone of our modern day cellular technology, remote control, laser, limitless and free green energy, and so much more! He has a better version of the future. There are so many aspects of modern day life that are directly influenced by his genuine creativity. So hard to believe as it is, he is responsible for the 20th century.

But yeah, of course, just like any other  eccentric giga-geniuses and diabolical masterminds, Tesla was also completely insane.  He was prone to nervous breakdowns, many often he claimed he had some exotic visions in the middle of the night, he even unbelievably spoke to pigeons, and occasionally thought he was receiving electromagnetic signals from extraterrestrials on Mars.  He was also obsessive-compulsive and hated round objects, human hair, jewelry. Basically, Nikola Tesla was the ultimate mad scientist, which is seriously awesome!
A modern-day Tesla coil.

Another sweet thing about Tesla is that as he conducted a some kind of brainsick experiments that generally resulted a vast multitude of angry villagers breaking down the door to his lab with torches and pitchforks.  One time, while he was working on magnetic resonance, he discovered the resonant frequency of the Earth and caused an earthquake so powerful that it almost obliterated the 5th Avenue New York building that housed his Frankenstein Castle of a laboratory.  Stuff was flying off the walls, the drywall was breaking apart, the cops were coming after him, and Tesla had to smash his device with a sledge hammer to keep it from demolishing an entire city block.  Later, he boasted that he could have built a device powerful enough to split the Earth in two.  Nobody dared him to prove it.

(I think I just have to end my pig-talking this way...)

During his remarkable life he held over 700 patents, settled the AC versus DC dispute and was primarily responsible for the selection of 60 Hz as the standard AC frequency in US and throughout much of the world.

As poor as he was, in January 8, 1943 during his sleep in his hotel room, he died at the age of 87. During world war two, at his death, military impounded the contents of his safe and nothing has been heard since as to what records, if any, were there.

              Madness of the Week
              Modern Marvels of History Channel

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My first pig-talking...

It took me quite a while thinking what should be my first post in this blog. Well, I guess I should post why I talk more like a pig first. 

Being a usual and typical person, employee, hard-headed kid, trying-hard-man, what so ever,- I have this weak point of mine that drags me down below my true nature. It keeps me from becoming a better person as a professional and forbids me towards greatness. I can't find more words to depict it since it is my COMMUNICATION SKILLS.

I can't write and speak in English fluently. Anyone who reads this must obviously see it clearly- wrong choice of words, wrong punctuation marks, poor grammar construction, etc.. Due to this inability, I don't seem to be a good and competent professional. Communication skills, particularly in english language, is crucial for me as an Electrical Engineer just like other professions. The fact is- I am an engineer knowledgeable in my field of practice, yet, I don't look like I am. I can't even land on my dream job because of my poor communication skills. I have been in a series of job interviews and mostly in notable corporate organizations. Most of my interviews suggests me to work more harder improving my communication skills. 

(So, if you someone is reading this, just bear with me please...)

And with that, I said I talk LIKE a pig.

In an effort to surpass this weakness, I made some research how I could be a better english speaker. One reference I have came across with suggests to utilize the networking and blogging sites. And that's actually why I am starting blogging. Another source suggests to use one's interests, lifestyle, and the like.

With that in  mind, I started to utter some opinions on some things thru the internet, specifically in Facebook. There, I put some comments and shares how I view things in english. Most of my shares and comments are uncertain and out of keeping and not worth reading (so as this blog). I commented on things which I honestly am not well versed at and have no any idea. I just put it how it comes to my mind.

And that's why I talk MORE like a pig.

If you someone reading this understands me in any way, I would greatly appreciate it if you would make some suggestions how could I be able to improve my comm-skills.